Candidate: Gwen S

Related Goal: Gwen: Improve swim instructor ability to communicate and incentivize their swimmers to improve.

Jeffrey Napolski (10/17/2023 5:27 PM): Reviewed the 4 brainstormed ideas. Chose one. established next steps: tasks. Come up with 3 tasks. Brainstorm them. Think about what are you going to “Do” to achieve your goal? Can we add to LC and assess the LC and give them feedback. Talked about early childhood development and using the Lesson Coordinator Handbook for in-service training and something new.

Action items:

Come up with 3 tasks. Brainstorm them. Think about what are you going to “Do” to achieve your goal?

Then come up with up to 3 steps for each task.

Tentative first two:

– In service training for all swim ins.
– New swim instructor training for feedback.
– ????

Attend a Saturday or weekday swim lessons not as swim instructor or lifeguard, but punch in, and observe lessons with a critical eye for feedback and think about how improve the instructor’s ability to give feedback.


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