
Related Goal: Autumn: An efficient and cost effective approach to improving pool operations whilst decreasing waste

Hello Jeff, for this mentorship project I have come up with multiple ways to fix the problem of having to flip over and take out all the trash cans when it starts raining. With the implementation of one of these ideas we can optimize our time management, have a more efficient solution, and reduce waste when taking all the trash bags out even when they are empty to flip all the bins over. 

My first idea is I have created 2D and 3D models as a representation of how many boards we would need and how big each circle we would need to be the optimal lid size. There are two options I have come up with for this (same size and dimension just different materials). 

First we have PVC sheet (Link) $98.98 per board (we would need 5 boards) (2 orange, 1 yellow, 1 green, and 1 blue)


– Kind of expensive


– Easy storage

– Will last a long time

– Waterproof

– Completely customizable and perfect fit for each bin

Second we have Tempered Hardwood (Link) $12.72 per board (we would need 5 boards) (2 orange, 1 yellow, 1 green, and 1 blue)


– not fully waterproof

– thin and could weather af


– Cheaper

– Reusable for awhile

– Completely customizable

First we would need 2 orange boards like this, the 22 inch diameter can be slightly bigger than 22 inches but nothing less than that is ideal. 

Then we would need 1 yellow board, the 22 inch diameter can also be slightly above but ideally no less than. And the 23 inch needs to be 23 inches or slightly under but preferably nothing over.

For the green board we need 1, the 23 inch diameter can be under but ideally not above 23 inches. And the 18 inch diameter can be slightly under but ideally nothing more than 18 inches. 

For the blue board we would need 1, the diameter of the 18 inch circle ideally can be under but not above.

For the next option we have the cheapest with a plastic trash cover we would need to initially buy 3 packs and so on as we use them (link) $20.59 per pack (12 for each pack)


– Not reusable

– Least sturdy

– Could break or fall off with strong rain/wind

– Might not fit completely right


– Cheapest

– Easy storage

The next idea is a more expansive version of the plastic lids which is a reusable trash cover, and we would need to buy 9 packs (Link) $25.99 per pack (4 lids in each pack)


– More expansive

– Could get moldy or smelly if left out without being cleaned

– Takes up a little more space for storage

– Might not fit completely right


– Reusable

– Waterproof

Action items:

Have the Aquatic Manager choose an option and implement it for 2025.


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