
Reese- Sandra did a great job with parent tot this morning! The projector wasn't working so she offered to sing all kinds of songs which was amazing (not everyone would do this!). During parent tot I added all of the…


Allie: Last lc shift before I head back to Iowa City! It's bitersweet.  Samantha is great about giving clear instuctions without adding okay at the end, and her kids follow that really well.  I think we need to relearn how to put benches in...some of…


-Evelyn- Good morning Deerfield! Today Is a great day for swim lessons even though Brooke called in sick 30 minutes before her shift. Wonderful. Doesn't matter though because we only have six kids today anyway, so not to worry! We…

End of Summer 2024

You made Summer of 2024 excellent. Your effort getting up in the morning to open the pool for lap swim or Coho and complete the daily chores makes the pool and the facility a better place.  Your efforts to go…

Something dramatic and awesome D: 8/15/2024

Deerfield Aquatics: A Summer in Review The Deerfield Aquatics program had an eventful summer in 2023, filled with successes, challenges, and valuable lessons. This blog post will examine some key takeaways from the season, based on insights gleaned from staff…