Super shallow water. Building block for front floats. Fun!

Testable goal:

Swimmer moves through water that reaches their belly or above elbows when laying on stomach with hands supporting them. Walk forward using their arms and hands like feet. Body extended straight behind hips, floating at the surface. This should be done repeatedly and not one time in the course of a lesson, or with the instructor. Bonus Goals:
  • Entire face, including the eyes and ears should go underwater.
  • Remain underwater for more than two seconds.
  • Display comfort and ease putting face in the water while moving forward.
  • Blow bubbles.

Activities to achieve this goal:

Find super shallow water. Lay flat on belly with legs straight behind you and form a circle. Encourage your swimmers to kiss the surface of the water and progressively get more and more of their lips underwater. Younger swimmers are familiar with a “kiss” and by doing this action it removes anxiety with going underwater and the discomfort it sometimes brings.
As swimmers become more and more comfortable you can begin moving across the shallow end. Explore deeper water. Move. Travel. Play games and use Alligator walks as a way of travelling throughout the lesson.

Challenges to achieve this goal:

Challenges are like games but with less moving parts and quicker. Challenge: Do a plank on your forearms. Do plank on your hands. Side plank in belly button deep water. Do it on both arms. Challenge: Do an alligator walk for 10 “steps” and keep face in the water the whole time. Challenge: In alligator walk position pick up three rings from the bottom putting your face in the water to do it.