Move confidently in the water up to chest deep.
Recover footing if swimmer stumbles or falls in hip/chest deep water.
Walk, swim, alligator walk; move around.
Testable Goal:
Walk freely through chest-deep water controlling the body and recovering when falling over.
Move without fear throughout the shallow end.
Listens to instructions and returns to the instructor/group when asked.
Bold movement through the water without help.
Bonus Goals:
- Swimmers remain with the group even when not physically penned in by a bench.
- Swimmers keep in a close orbit when traveling around the pool or water areas.
- Swimmers engage in collaborative play with peers and instructors; games that are more involved than “chase me.”
Activities to achieve this goal:
Treasure Hunt:
Throw a bunch of toys in the water; a mix of sinking and floating.
While supervising play, let the swimmers in your group go collect the “treasure” and return it to your home base (the wall).
Use a kickboard as a “boat” and call it your “treasure ship.” Have swimmers collect the “treasure” and put it on the treasure ship. Visit the mushroom man, the waterfall, whatever, and have fun with pretend play.
Move around a lot
I know. I know. Simple to say harder to do. During the course of a Guppies class, the swimmers should be moving often. Play with different water features. Visit different depths of water using floats or walking. Hold onto the wall and do monkey walks.
Play different games in different locations of the pool.