Candidate: Reese Blackstone

Related Goal: Reese B: Train instructors to deliver all parts of a lesson appropriate to each swimmer based on their level, ability, age, and responsiveness.

How are we going to provide this training to the swim instructors.

Summary of meeting:

Reese Blackstone – Mentorship Meeting

Jeff and Speaker 2 discussed training and development for swim instructors, including creating a comprehensive training plan and assigning different issues to each swimmer in a group for peer teaching. They also brainstormed ideas for a reference guide and online booking system. In another conversation, Jeff and Speaker 2 emphasized the importance of practical application and engaging delivery in a training session on removing ‘okay’ from speech, and highlighted the value of mentorship for personal and professional growth. Speaker 2 shared an anecdote about a friend who improved their English skills through a mentorship program.

Action Items

  • [ ] Create training plan document for swim instructor common issues training
  • [ ] Add “need common issues and fixes document as reference” to training plan
  • [ ] Create activity 2 using common issues flashcards
  • [ ] Come up with a challenge activity related to training
  • [ ] Pick date in March for first training and schedule on Humanity
  • [ ] Print common issues sheets on indestructible paper
  • [ ] Cut common issues sheets into individual skill cards
  • [ ] Implement direct online booking for private swim lessons
  • [ ] Open up evening slots for private swim lessons
  • [ ] Find past meeting notes with book reference


Training for swim instructors.

  • Jeff provides instructions on how to handle the roster for a training session.
  • Jeff and Speaker 2 discuss a color-coded system for identifying common issues and their fixes in a training program.
  • John plans to use a supplemental training module for new swim instructors, catching up those with little experience.
  • The lesson coordinator (LC) needs to create a training document and reference guide for lesson cleaners to follow when dealing with common issues and fixes in swimming lessons.

Teaching swimming lessons.

  • Speaker 2 suggests breaking down the training into levels specific sections, starting with level one, and providing examples and practices in the water for instructors to follow.
  • Jeff agrees and suggests making the training more practical, with a focus on common issues identified for each level, and introducing the concepts with a fix and an example, followed by practice in the water.
  • Speaker 2 suggests creating a training plan document for the LLC, adjustable for each level.
  • Speaker 2 is unsure about the instructions for training activity one, while Jeff provides more details and clarification.
  • Jeff explains that training activity two involves practicing skills and addressing common mistakes and fixes, with a focus on younger kids’ inability to stand upright.

Swimming lesson planning and instructor training.

  • Jeff provides a lesson plan framework for swim instructors to identify and address common issues in a fun and engaging way.
  • Swimmers act out skills and their peers provide appropriate responses, while the instructor assigns different issues to each group for practice and peer teaching.
  • Instructor should respond appropriately to common issues in swimming lessons.
  • Jeff provides a framework for structuring a training module on removing “okay” from language, with a focus on practicality and fun.
  • The goal is to write instructions for someone to conduct the training, considering the audience’s learning style and preferences.

Creating educational materials for kids.

  • Jeff and Speaker 2 discuss ways to make training more engaging for employees.
  • Jeff plans to use Ashlynn’s pictures from lessons on giant posters for parents and instructors to know what kids are learning.

Swim instructor training activities.

  • Instructors assign groups of 3-4 people and practice fixes for common issues.
  • Jeff suggests creating a document with common level issues and fixes, and using it as a reference for training activities.
  • Jeff and Speaker 2 discuss a swimming lesson activity where swimmers practice strokes using flashcards.

Training for lifeguards.

  • Jeff and Speaker 2 discuss planning a training session for lifeguards, with Jeff suggesting they start in March and cover two to three common issues with examples.
  • Speaker 2 suggests targeting skills before summer to accommodate new people and Jeff agrees, with Speaker 2 mentioning the importance of delegating tasks and providing guidance.
  • Jeff and Speaker 2 discuss a training plan for lesson coordinators, including a framework for selecting activities and a reusable training plan.
  • Speaker 2 asks about offering private lessons over the summer, and Jeff confirms they can still do them.
  • Speaker 2 wants to do outdoor lessons only during the summer and is worried about getting fired.
  • Jeff plans to use Speaker 2 as a test subject for a new online booking system, with potential changes to their indoor booking.

Swim lesson scheduling and student progress.

  • Speaker 2 expresses enthusiasm for teaching swim lessons and private lessons, citing the opportunity to work with the same children multiple times and see their progress.
  • Speaker 2 helps a parent determine the swim level of their child, using a color-coded system, and discusses the potential for the child to improve by summer.
  • Speaker 2 shares their success story with Jeff, highlighting their connection and growth.

Break people up into peer teaching groups. And Before we do the training, the LC should review the common issues and the fixes and then everyone goes off and practices.

*Adjust training based on what level is being taught

Training Activity 1: 

  • Need the level’s common issues and fixes document as a reference

LC chooses 2-3 common issues and reviews what their fixes are with the swim instructors that are present. Swim instructors can be in or out of the water.

Create groups of 3-4 people. Assign one person to be the instructor who will do 2 level appropriate skills. EX: Supported front glide and supported back glide for level 1. 

Instructors can choose one of the 2-3 issues reviewed. They should behave as if they have that common issue. Instructor should practice the fixes reviewed before. Rotate instructors after the 2-3 skills have been taught. Move quickly each instructor should take 5 minutes or less.

Regroup and discuss what went well and what can be improved. Repeat all steps until the whole level’s issues and fixes have been discussed and practiced.

Training Activity 2:

  • Need the level’s common issues and fixes document flashcards


should distribute flashcards one to each instructor.

Action items:

Create a training plan, or a Lesson Coordinator guide to do an in-service training using the Levels 1- 4 Common Issues & Fixes documents.


Come up with 1 more activity, and 1 challenge. for your in-service.

Pick an inservice date that you want to do this training.



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