Candidate: Reese Blackstone

Related Goal: Reese B: Train instructors to deliver all parts of a lesson appropriate to each swimmer based on their level, ability, age, and responsiveness.

Identify Levels, and Ages and learning style based on ages. 

Come up with common issues related to age & level

Come up with fixes for those issues and make them age-specific.

Task Completed: Yes

Blank indicates not completed.

Task Evaluation:

Reviewing the material and the details was boring and difficult to sit through.


Need to have more activities to teach. Did a can you smile activity.

Find a partner. One person is the cheerleader. The other person is a stick in the mud. The cheerleader must make the stick in the mud smile in less than 5 seconds.  be excessively excited happy and use lots of body motions to encourage a smile.


How do we give this dry material to people better?


Good and loud. Read room andacl of interest. Add more interactive challenges on land.


During the in water part emphasize the following points.


Make thr lesson as close to real as possible.

It’s okay to pause and identify the issues and thr fixes.


How do we get better buy in for training ad role play practice? Do it more often? Get feedback from staff.

Some people did a really good job.


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